Montpellier Business School


Position Full Professor
Academic department Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Selected intellectual contributions

LAARAJ, M., W. NAKARA, S. F. WAMBA, "Blockchain diffusion: the role of consulting firms.", Production Planning and Control, June 2024, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 965-977

LASCH, F., K. MESSEGHEM, J. VALETTE, S. CASANOVA, J. M. COURRENT, W. NAKARA, S. SAMMUT, A. R. THURIK, O. TORRÈS - "Situation de l’activité entrepreneuriale en France : Rapport 2023/2024 du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" - 2024, Montpellier, Labex Entreprendre, France

NAKARA, W., C. DOUAIHY CLARA, K. MESSEGHEM KARIM, D. AUDRETSCH DAVID, "Entrepreneurship and poverty in developed countries: a systematic review, synthesis, and future research directions", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, June 2024, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 181-213

KORBI, F., M. GÉRAUDEL, W. NAKARA, "Toward an understanding of the implementation of management innovation in international joint ventures: A multilevel perspective.", European Management Review, September 2023, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 425-442

LAOUTI, R., M. HADDOUD, W. NAKARA, A.-K. ONJEWU, "A gender-based approach to the influence of peronality traits on entrepreneurial intention.", Journal of Business Research, January 2022, vol. 142, no. March 2022, pp. 819-829

NAKARA, W., "Vers un entrepreneuriat inclusif à impact positif.", Journal de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, July 2022, vol. July, no. 2022, pp. /

NAKARA, W., "L’entrepreneuriat face à la pauvreté, la précarité, l’inégalité et autres handicaps socio-économiques.", Emerging Business Insight, September 2022

LAOUTI, R., M. HADDOUD, W. NAKARA, S. GHARBI, "Entrepreneurial behavior through the lenses of the formal and informal institutional perspectives: Evidence from a two-country study.", Revue de l'Entreprenariat, October 2022, vol. 3, no. 21, pp. 79-103

CHAVEZ, R., W. YU, M. JAJJA, Y. SONG, W. NAKARA, "The relationship between internal lean practices and sustainable performance: exploring the mediating role of social performance.", Production Planning and Control, July 2022, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1025-1042

MIAO, C., R. LAOUITI, J. GAST, W. NAKARA, "Institutional factors, religiosity, and entrepreneurial activity: A quantitative examination across 85 countries.", World Development, January 2022, vol. 149, no. January 2022, pp. 105695

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