Montpellier Business School


Position Assistant Professor
Academic department Operations, Information, & Decisions
Short Bio

Dr. Reza Alikhani is currently serving as an assistant professor in the department of management, strategy, and entrepreneurship at Montpellier Business School (MBS), France. Before joining the MBS, he spent a year and a half as a postdoctoral researcher at EM Normandie Business School. He holds a Ph.D. degree in production and operations management from the University of Tehran, Iran. During his journey, Reza was a visiting fellow to DePaul University, Chicago for a six-month period. His research primarily focuses on using operations research tools and techniques to improve the design and management of supply chains and logistics operations. Reza’s research includes supply chain resilience, sustainable operations management, supply chain collaboration, and retail supply chain. Some of his research articles appeared in the International Journal of Production Economics, and the Journal of Cleaner Production. Reza serves as an ad hoc reviewer for several journals including the International Journal of Production Economics and the International Journal of Production Research among others. He has worked with several international companies over the years and is open to new collaborative research projects.

Selected intellectual contributions

ALIKHANI, R., V. GHOMI, D. GLIGOR, S. SHOKOOHYAR, F. GHAZI NEZAMI, "An optimization model for collaborative logistics among carriers in vehicle routing problems with cross-docking.", International Journal of Logistics Management, December 2023, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1700-1735

ALIKHANI, R., A. RANJBAR, A. JAMALI, S. TORABI, C. ZOBEL, "Towards increasing synergistic effects of resilience strategies in supply chain network design.", Omega, December 2023, vol. 102819, no. 116, pp. /

ALIKHANI, R., M. ESKANDARPOUR, H. JAHANI, "Collaborative distribution network design with surging demand and facility disruptions", International Journal of Production Economics, August 2023, vol. 262, no. 108912, pp. /

ALIKHANI, R., S. TORABI, N. ALTAY, "Retail supply chain network design with concurrent resilience capabilities.", International Journal of Production Economics, January 2021, vol. 108042, no. 234, pp. /

ALIKHANI, R., S. A. TORABI, N. ALTAY, "Strategic supplier selection under sustainability and risk criteria.", International Journal of Production Economics, November 2019, vol. 208, no. /, pp. 69-82

ALIKHANI, R., A. AZAR, "A hybrid fuzzy satisfying optimization model for sustainable gas resources allocation.", Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2015, vol. 107, no. /, pp. 353-365

ALIKHANI, R., A. AZAR, "A combined goal programming model for gas resources allocation under uncertainty.", Advances in Fuzzy Sets & Systems, January 2013, vol. 1, no. 15, pp. 17

Research themes

Operations management, Supply chain, transport, logistics, Purchasing

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