Montpellier Business School


Position Full Professor
Academic department Operations, Information, & Decisions
Selected intellectual contributions

DUBEY, R., D. J. BRYDE, Y. DWIDEDI, G. GRAHAM, C. FOROPON, T. PAPADOPOULOS, "Dynamic digital capabilities and supply chain resilience: The role of government effectiveness.", International Journal of Production Economics, April 2023, vol. 258, no. April 23, pp. 108790

DUBEY, R., D. J. BRYDE, Y. K. DWIVEDI, G. GRAHAM, C. FOROPON, "Impact of Artificial Intelligence-driven Big Data analytics culture on agility and resilience in huM.tarian supply chain: A practice-based view.", International Journal of Production Economics, August 2022, vol. 108618, no. 250

DUBEY, R., D. BRYDE, C. FOROPON, M. TIWARI, Y. DWIVEDI, S. SCHIFFLING, "An investigation of information alignment and collaboration as complements to supply chain agility in huM.tarian supply chain.", International Journal of Production Research, December 2021, vol. 5, no. 59, pp. 1586-1605.

DUBEY, R., A. GUNASEKARAN, S. CHILDE, D. BRYDE, M. GINANNAKIS, C. FOROPON, D. ROUBAUD, "Big data analytics and artificial intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: A study of manufacturing orgA.ations.", International Journal of Production Economics, August 2020, vol. 226, no. August 2020, pp. 107599

LATAN, H., C. CHIAPPETTA JABBOUR, A. LOPES DE SOUSA JABBOUR, P. CAMARGO FIORINI, C. FOROPON, "Innovative efforts of ISO 9001-certified manufacturing firms: evidence of links between determinants of innovation, continuous innovation and firm performance.", International Journal of Production Economics, October 2020, vol. 3, no. 29, pp. 797-826

LARSON, P., C. FOROPON, "Process improvement in huM.tarian operations: an organizational theory perspective.", International Journal of Production Research, December 2018, vol. 21, no. 56, pp. 6828-6841

FOROPON, C., R. MCLACHLIN, "Metaphors in operations management theory building.", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, January 2013, vol. 2, no. 33, pp. 181-196

FOROPON, C., M. TIWARI, R. DUBEY, D. BRYDE, F. STAVROPOLOU, S. KUMARI, "Modelling Supply Chain Visibility, Digital Technologies, Environmental Dynamism and healthcare Resilience: an Information Processing Theory Perspective" Forthcoming Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Research themes

Operations management, Operational excellence and continuous improvement, Quality, Health, Safety and Environment, Artificial intelligence - Architecture, engineering, control and technical analysis activities, Automotive manufacturing, Human Health, Phar

Teaching disciplines

Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Case Study Research Strategy, Lean Management, Introduction To Research, Operational Excellence, Strategic Project Management, Theory of Constraints

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