Montpellier Business School

MO Ruo

Position Assistant Professor
Academic department People & Organizations
Short Bio

Dr. Ruo Mo joined Montpellier Business School as an assistant professor. He holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from IESE Business School, Barcelona, and holds a Master's degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as a Bachelor's degree from the Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing). During the postgraduate period, he was an exchange doctoral student at Columbia University and Singapore Management University. His research looks at social hierarchy (power and status), interpersonal relationships, and social network from a perspective of social psychology.

Selected intellectual contributions

JACHIMOWICZ, M., R. MO, A. E. GREENBERG, B. JERONIMUS, A. V. WHILLANS, "Income more reliably predicts frequent than intense happiness.", Social Psychology and Personality Science, September 2021, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 1294-1306

BRION, S., R. MO, R. B. LOUNT JR, "Dynamic influences of power on trust: Changes in power affect trust in others.", Journal of Trust Research, November 2018, vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 6-27

MO, R., L. LEUNG, "Exploring the roles of narcissism, uses of, and gratifications from microblogs on affinity‐seeking and social capital.", 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, September 2015, vol. 2, no. 18, pp. 152-162

MO, R., "The Brothers are Watching: The Peer Monitoring Mechanism of Rivalry in Reducing Cheating Behavior at Work" Forthcoming Journal of Organizational Behavior

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