Montpellier Business School
The BSIS system makes it possible to evaluate the impact of a Business School on its environment

The BSIS system makes it possible to evaluate the impact of a Business School on its environment

Economic and societal impact

Impact économique et sociétal

BSIS impact study renewed in 2023 following the site visit in June 2023 by François Bonvalet, Director of the EFMD FNEGE BSIS programme, and Bernard Ramanantsoa, BSIS Expert and former Director General of the HEC Paris group.

Impact économique et sociétal

Created by the FNEGE in 2012, the BSIS system makes it possible to assess the impact of a Business School on its environment, taking into account its specific characteristics and role, using a quantitative and qualitative methodology. MBS, through its dual commitment to academic excellence and global responsibility, has naturally turned to this system with the aim of pursuing a continuous improvement approach.

208 million economic impact on the region

When the first audit was carried out in 2014, the results showed that, in addition to its global reach and internationalisation strategy, MBS also plays a real, tangible and quantifiable role in the economic and social development of its own region. Renewed in 2017 and in 2023, the BSIS audit now shows the evolution of this impact, evaluated at 208 million euros in the Occitanie region, MBS is consolidating its role as a key player in socio-economic development.

Overall influence on the region and international influence

Beyond this economic impact, the audit report showed the overall positive influence of MBS on the regional ecosystem. This is reflected in significant joint research activities and teaching partnerships with the university site in Montpellier, participation in the development of businesses via internships and work-study programmes (490 full-time equivalents made available in the region in 2016-2017), and also a strong commitment to a large number of regional players who share its values of openness, diversity and equal opportunities.

“MBS is certainly one of the French business schools that has done the most to promote diversity and support for both students and staff,” emphasises the auditor and co-Director of BSIS. “We can see an extraordinary diversity of actions undertaken by all the players within the school to benefit the environment, people in difficulty, students and companies. MBS bases all its actions on the values it upholds and defends”.

In keeping with the mission that Montpellier Business School has set itself, this report reflects the academic, economic, social and societal footprint that the school has been able to establish and develop in the region; a footprint and reputation that enable it to make a significant contribution to the region’s international reputation.

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