Montpellier Business School
MBS is a signatory of the Erasmus Charter

MBS is a signatory of the Erasmus Charter


Our institution receives the official Erasmus charter awarded under the Erasmus+ programme from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Montpellier Business School is a French organization designed for cultural and scientific purposes, with a Grande Ecole status, which belongs to European universities and takes part in the Bologna Process.

The international strategy of MBS, established since 1993, represents today a portfolio of more than 200 universities in nearly 50 countries for student exchanges.

MBS’s “Erasmus+” strategy applies the principles of Erasmus+ cooperation to its international partnerships outside the European Higher Education Area.

The European and, beyond that, international dimension of MBS is embedded in its mission and values. MBS emphasizes “diversity,” awareness of “global responsibility,” and adaptation to international contexts. This European commitment forms the basis for our international accreditations (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA) and for our membership in major international organizations such as the Global Compact, and major international associations such as Cladea, AAPBS, or AABS, where MBS asserts its European identity.


Montpellier Business School makes its strategy concrete by welcoming exchange students, as part of international agreements, from the five continents and by providing its students with the opportunity to go abroad. Indeed, students’ mobility is strengthened by teachers’ mobility.

Montpellier Business School chooses its partner universities according to the quality of the education and their representativeness in their home country. Moreover, these choices align with our core values of diversity and global responsibility. So far, we have more than 170 partner universities from 36 countries.


The European commitment of MBS is not only a recognition of the past but also a commitment for the future.

Montpellier Business School constantly works with its partners to facilitate the arrival in France of students from regions where a stay in the Euro zone poses economic difficulties: a permanent service for monitoring international students allows these students to study in the best academic, social, and economic conditions.

The choice of MBS’s academic partners is dictated by criteria of quality (international accreditations), representativeness, and notoriety, as well as the sharing of common values. The annual exchange flow is currently nearly 600 incoming and outgoing students, and all five continents are represented.

The requirement for quality is enshrined in our academic regulations since we fully transfer the credits obtained by our students abroad and integrate them into the accumulation of credits necessary for obtaining European diplomas and degrees. From the creation of Socrates/Erasmus, MBS has demonstrated its European commitment. For MBS, Europe was there from the start. Today, we have an international policy nurtured by European philosophy and values, as evidenced by all our international academic contracts.

All our international accreditations (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS) have been obtained by strongly affirming the European identity of MBS, particularly the full recognition of credits obtained by our students outside MBS, including for the awarding of diplomas and degrees, and also the unconditional validation of credits obtained by foreign students within the framework of their previous studies for the awarding of diplomas and degrees by MBS. These international accreditations confirm the relevance of MBS’s European and international academic policy.

With the exception of work-study students, no MBS student graduates without having acquired authentic in situ international experience, which ensures lasting openness to Europe, the opportunity to forge a European consciousness and identity, and, in any case, to confront an openness to the diversity of the world to draw from it, train and awaken interest in studies in Europe.

Diversity, after quality and representativeness, is a major criterion in the choice of our partners. MBS’s strategy is one of continually improving the representativeness of its partnerships, their increasing diversification in strict compliance with our international accreditation standards and the academic requirements associated with our status. Finally, it is about offering non-French MBS students the highest possible level of management training in France and openness to Europe.

French Grandes Écoles have a duty to promote the French system and European culture of management training. Thus, the recruitment of foreign students outside of international exchange agreements is part of MBS’s strategy: it is a contribution to the credibility of training in France and the European Union. MBS engages in specific information and recruitment actions abroad: in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Gradually, a network is being established that allows MBS to ensure its international visibility and contribute to the influence of the European Higher Education Area (EEES). Under appropriate conditions, MBS’s foreign students can participate in intra-European mobility.

The renewal of the European charter is a central moment in the implementation of MBS’s European (and international) strategy.

Institution’s strategy for organizing and implementing European and international cooperation projects in education and training in relation to projects implemented within the Program

Our mobility policy is based on the principles and procedures established in the Program, regardless of the partner country. ECTS is the reference system between us and all our partners. It is a transfer of European practices and know-how outside the EU. Each year, we welcome more than 150 non-European students for two consecutive semesters, contributing to the internationalization of MBS. We also apply the principles of European mobility to our teacher exchanges outside Europe.

MBS has designed its language teaching based on seminars provided by partner universities: it prepares our students for what will be their experience during the year of study outside France. Our language training aims to prepare students for the use of the language as a medium for learning, argumentation, and daily social life.

The academic policy is complemented by internships, and more and more students choose to do at least one internship outside of France.

Expected impact of our participation in the Program on the modernization of our institution

Achieving international standards cannot represent a stable state achieved once and for all; it is this process that leads to the modernization of institutions and thus to that of MBS. The national requirements for obtaining the Master’s degree largely reflect international standards. The particular status of French Grandes Écoles de Gestion means they are dedicated to constant improvement. In the field of research, the European Higher Education Area has significantly advanced all management Grandes Écoles. The participation of MBS in teacher mobility programs should lead to an intensification of meetings between MBS teacher-researchers and those of the partners. This is where the impact of participation in the Program can be most significant and fruitful.

The double meeting of teachers and companies, then of teacher-researchers with their foreign colleagues, is one of the levers of progress. Participation in the Program represents a factor of development at this level.

Regarding the link between higher education, research, and companies to promote excellence and regional development, MBS, like all French Grandes Écoles de Gestion, maintains privileged links with companies, which are at the heart of the training system. We have a significant internship and business relations service and are in constant interaction with companies. The research itself includes direct application to the company.

Programs available to exchange students

Grading Scale

The grading scale can be viewed below:

Persons with Disabilities

The Erasmus+ program provides special support, including additional costs for participants with disabilities and their companions.

People with disabilities can benefit from a specific Erasmus+ grant, in addition to their mobility grant, which covers their additional expenses incurred by their stay in Europe (up to 100% of the actual costs incurred).

For more information, see the page ‘Erasmus+ supports people with disabilities.’

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