Montpellier Business School


Raphaël Auternaud, 2016 graduate, created an association to help homeless people in Montpellier
22 July 2019

Raphaël Auternaud, 2016 graduate, created an association to help homeless people in Montpellier

Benefit free of charge from the strategic diagnosis of your company with Strat Me Up by Montpellier Business School
10 July 2019

Benefit free of charge from the strategic diagnosis of your company with Strat Me Up by Montpellier Business School

Tristan Martinez, 2014 graduate, embarks on a crazy motorcycle adventure for the fight against multiple sclerosis. Join him!
10 July 2019

Tristan Martinez, 2014 graduate, embarks on a crazy motorcycle adventure for the fight against multiple sclerosis. Join him!

ESport invited to Montpellier Business School: a unifying discipline represented by the students of the association Arcadia
09 July 2019

ESport invited to Montpellier Business School: a unifying discipline represented by the students of the association Arcadia

Montpellier Business School adds its Grande École programme to its AMBA-accredited portfolio, cementing its place as a world-leading Business School
09 July 2019

Montpellier Business School adds its Grande École programme to its AMBA-accredited portfolio, cementing its place as a world-leading Business School

Just like their Panzi, Valentin and Pia are gourmet and creative. That’s why they have just won the MBS Foundation's "Young Innovative and Responsible Company" Award.
24 June 2019

Just like their Panzi, Valentin and Pia are gourmet and creative. That’s why they have just won the MBS Foundation's "Young Innovative and Responsible Company" Award.

With Start-up Week, Montpellier Business School becomes the largest Start-up incubator in France and reinvents the wine sector
11 June 2019

With Start-up Week, Montpellier Business School becomes the largest Start-up incubator in France and reinvents the wine sector

The 2019 Le Parisien ranking of the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce: MBS in the 12th position
07 June 2019

The 2019 Le Parisien ranking of the Grandes Ecoles de Commerce: MBS in the 12th position

What are “soft skills”, why are they so much sought after by recruiters and how to identify them?
24 May 2019

What are “soft skills”, why are they so much sought after by recruiters and how to identify them?

6th edition of the Mark Up project: students take up the ASICS challenge
18 April 2019

6th edition of the Mark Up project: students take up the ASICS challenge

Graduation Ceremony 2019: Masters of Science
19 March 2019

Graduation Ceremony 2019: Masters of Science

Value the social business: MBS receives Professor Muhammad Yunus & presents its Chair in Microfinance
05 March 2019

Value the social business: MBS receives Professor Muhammad Yunus & presents its Chair in Microfinance


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