Montpellier Business School

Short courses – Managing Financial Strategy

100% online short course in management

100% online short course on management

This program provides a better understanding of the financial and economic reasoning behind decision making. It will cover the essential elements you need in order to communicate with external partners.  

Useful information

  • 1500 € net of tax  
  • Administrators, senior managers, project leaders, managers in charge of a project, an operational unit, or a profit center, and public or private company consultants interested in having productive discussions with internal or external financial specialists.
  • Sessions – April 2022
  • Courses taught in french or english
  • Duration: 22.5 hours
  • 100% online course


Description of the course

This program aims to make it easier to understand and communicate the relationships that exist between strategy and economic and financial information.

Three key targets:

  • Gaining a better understanding of financial analysis, and the financial reasonings that constrain a company’s strategic choices
  • Deciphering the relationships between economic objectives, KPI (Key Performance Indicators), and economic reasoning in decision-making, as well as the risk of bias in the organization
  • Facilitating communication and elements of economic and financial language internally (colleagues) and externally (media, partners/customers or clients)


  • Fundamentals of financial reporting
  • Methodology of financial analysis
  • Business model and risk management
  • Cost analysis, KPI, and decision-making (outsourcing)
  • Production of a sales forecast
  • Construction of a business plan
  • Valuation of a company
  • Financial packages for a takeover and construction of a management chart
  • Work on real problems chosen by each participant
  • Illustrations and benchmark for all business sectors

Admission file

Questionnaire at the beginning and end of the program to assess learner progress and evaluate learning achievements during training.

  • Each subject is addressed with a contextualizing video clip and a simple exercise to put it into practice.
  • Video conferences and remote individual interviews are scheduled to help each student progress at their own pace.

€1,500 taxes included*

► On-site training available on request

  • “Managing Financial Strategy” is a new programme.
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